
ACG Collection: Kei Takemata, Satoru Hoshino

2014.2.4 [tue] – 2.15 [sat] 11:00-19:00(Saturdays 11:00-17:00) Closed on Sundays, Mondays and Notional holidays

  • ACG Collection: Kei Takemata, Satoru Hoshino, 2014
  • ACG Collection: Kei Takemata, Satoru Hoshino, 2014
  • ACG Collection: Kei Takemata, Satoru Hoshino, 2014
  • ACG Collection: Kei Takemata, Satoru Hoshino, 2014
  • ACG Collection: Kei Takemata, Satoru Hoshino, 2014
  • ACG Collection: Kei Takemata, Satoru Hoshino, 2014
  • ACG Collection: Kei Takemata, Satoru Hoshino, 2014
  • ACG Collection: Kei Takemata, Satoru Hoshino, 2014
01 / 08

◆Kei Takemata
1953 Born in Niigata, Japan
1976 Graduated from Kanazawa College of Arts, Division of Sculpture

|Selected Solo Exhibition|
2013 Hitsuji Garo, Niigata
2010 Nara Prefectural Library and Information Center, Nara
2007 Gallery Yuragi, Kyoto
2006 Kitahama Gallery, Osaka
2005 Ka-ede Gallery, Niigata [’03]
2001 Nara Club, Nara
1999 Geppou Art Space, Nara
1997 Artist Center Grave, Victoriavill, Quebec, Canada

|Selected Group Exhibition|
2013 ◎ Exhibition by Kei Takemata and Itoya Shoko, Toyosaka district community center, Niigata [’12 Nara]
2011 Kizugawa Art, Kamo JA warehouse, Kyoto
2010 “From Asuka to Nara” International sculpture exhibition, Asuka, Nara
2010 “From Asuka to Nara” International sculpture exhibition prologue, Asuka, Nara
2008 Scultura Internazionale ad Aglie (Invitaion), Torino, Italy
OAP Sculpture Path 2008, OAP Sculpture Path / ARTCOURT Gallery, Osaka
2006 The Force of Sculpture, Gallery CASO, Osaka
1997 Miniartextil Como, Como, Italy [’95-’93]

|Sculpture Symposium|
1997 International SculptureSymposium, Tuxtra Gtierrez, Chiapas, Mexico

|Artist in Residence|
1997 Art Center GRAVE, Victoriavill, Quebec, Canada

◆Satoru Hoshino
1945 Born in Niigata, Japan
1974-80 A member of Sodeisha group
1979 Awarded Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition
〈The Minister Prize〉
1998 The Suntory Prize 1998 − Challenges on Forms
〈Saji eccourage prize〉
1981 A member of International Ceramic Academy
1991-2003 Professer at Environment Design Department
of Osaka Sangyo University

|Selected Solo Exhibitions|
2011 Spiral with Spring Snow 11, Art Amsterdam by G. De witte Voet, The Netherlands
Spiral with Spring Snow, Museion No.1 Budapest, Hungary
2010 Spiral with Spring Snow, Fuguei Tauyuan, Yingge, Taiwan
2009 Spring Snow 09, G. De witte Voet, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2008 Begining Form−met Spiral 08, Yingge Ceramics Museum, Taiwan
Spring Snow, Frank Lloyd Gallery, Santa Monica, USA
2007 Begining Form−Spiral 07, Gatov Gallery CSU-Long Beach, California, USA
2006 Begining Form−Spiral, The Museum of Ceramic Art. Alfred University, NY, USA
Begining Form−met Spiral Ⅱ, nancy margolis gallery, NY, USA
2002 Retrospective Show−Appeared Figure, The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga, Japan
2001 Rain in Ancient Wood-Land and Performance, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, England
2000 Ancient Wood-Land, Province Museum Voor Moderne Kunst, Belgium
1999 Reincarnate/Pre -Copernican Mud Ⅱ, Musee Ariana, Geneva

|Selected Group Exhibitions|
2012 Moon & Sun by Kyoko & Satoru Hoshino, Joan B. Mirviss LTD, NY, USA
2011 Terra-Cotta, Primitive Future, ClayArch Gimhae Museum, Korea
2010 21st International Biennale of Vallauris, Museum of the Ceraic, France
2010 Taiwan Ceramics Biennale, Yingge Ceramics Museum, Taiwan
2009 Material & Image, Witte Zaal, Sint Lucas Visual Art - Gent, Belgium
    OAP Sculpture Path 2009 “Brackish waters”/“Opacities on the water surface”, OAP Sculpture Path / ARTCOURT Gallery, Osaka, Japan
2008 Satoru & Kayoko Hoshino Ceramic Exhibition, The Museum of Arts & Crafts, Itami, Japan
2007 Far East meet West, Galarie Marianne Heller, Heidelberg, Germany
2006 TOJI – Avant-garde et tradition du Japon, Musee Sevres, Paris, France
Internaional Architectural Ceramic Exhibition, ClayArch Gimhae Museum, Korea
2003 Clay Work of The New Century, The National Museum of art, Osaka, Japan

The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto / Faenza National Pottery Museum, Italy / The Museum of Modern Art, Wakayama / Victoria & Albert Museum, England / Kyoto City Museum / The Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park / Power Houseu Museum, Australia / Province Museum voor Modern Kunst-Oostende, Belgium / The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga / Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu / The Mineapolis Institute of Arts, USA / The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo / International Ceramic Studio, Hungary / Kerameikmuseum Princesshof, Netherlands / National Gallery, Australia


Kei Takemata
Satoru Hoshino